Kajian Potensi Beras Siger (Tiwul Instan) Fortifikasi Sebagai Pangan Fungsional
The research aims to study the potential of fortified “siger†rice as functional food using non-fortified “siger†rice and rice paddy as a comparison. “Siger†rice fortification is done by the addition of 50% corn flour, with the main parameters of the test is the protein, crude fiber, dietary fiber, digestable starch, and resistant starch content. The results showed that fortification of “siger†rice will increase the protein content of rice siger (1,02% to 4,97%), crude fiber content (4,45% to 4,75%), and digestable starch content (17,65% to 19,59%); but decrease dietary fiber content (14,95% to 14,82%) and resistant starch content (7,78% to 6,84%). The study further showed that fortification “siger†rice with 50% corn flour will increase the nutrient content of “siger†rice and has characterize as a functional food.Keywords: Fortification, siger rice, corn flourDownloads
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