Kinerja Dan Prospek Swasembada Jagung Di Indonesia


  • Tri Bastuti Purwantini Pusat Sosial Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Pertanian



Corn is one of the food crop commodity that have an essential role as food, feed and raw materials. The need and demand for corn have increased along with the increase of population. Opportunities of corn development in Indonesia to support national food security and sovereignty are very prospective. This paper aims to evaluate the performanceof corn production and self-sufficiency during the last ten years, identify obstacles and problems in the achievement of self-sufficiency as well as its anticipation, and indentify future prospects.The results showed that corn production during the last ten years has been fluctuated, although tends to decrease. Based on the balance of production and needs in 2011, corn self-sufficiency had achieved index self-sufficiency of 115.52. However, in termsof self-sufficiency is still below 100 percent, so corn production could potentially be improved. Over the past five years the productivity role against dynamics of corn production has reached, average, 224 percent, while the harvested area has decreased (-124%), so that the role of the production contribution is negative, therefore, the dynamics of production aremore reliant on productivity growth. Some innovation of corn production improvements acceleration can be supported by: (1) the addition of planted acreage, including through an increase in paddy fields printing, land optimization, an increase in IP, and application of intercropping pattern, and (2) an increase in productivity (through GP-PTT, provision of improved seed and fertilizer). Application of SL-PTT can leverage the increase in cornproduction, in the era of the new government, Jokowi_JK, that program was continued by GP-PTT, that technology is expected to be able to support sustainable of corn self-sufficiency. Therefore, need some support for the success of that program.Keywords: corn, production ,producivity, self-sufficiency


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Tri Bastuti Purwantini. Kinerja Dan Prospek Swasembada Jagung Di Indonesia

Prosiding Seminar Nasional Swasembada Pangan Polinela 29 April 2015 472

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