Analisis Input Output Dan Karakterisasi Industri Rumah Tangga Sari Buah Belimbing Di Dki Jakarta


  • Waryat Waryat Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian (BPTP Jakarta)
  • Syarifah Aminah Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian (BPTP Jakarta)
  • Muflihani Yanis Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian (BPTP Jakarta)



Processing business development in urban areas especially in Jakarta has good prospects. Some agricultural products can be developed as a processed product in favor of food diversification in Jakarta are fruits. Fruit production reached 12. 619 tons. Some of processed food products manufactured by the domestic industry, among others, star fruit juice. The purpose of this study is to analyze the input-output and gain characteristics of star fruit juice products produced by the domestic industry in Jakarta. The research wasconducted in Jakarta by using survey method with number of respondents is 20. Analysis of the data used include: input-output analysis to determine the level of income of farmers and processors descriptive analysis to describe the characteristics of star fruit juice products. Fixed costs of production needs starfruit juice is Rp. 9.349.520 / year and variable costs is 182.304.000/year. Revenues of approximately Rp. 210..672.000. Characteristics of star fruitjuice showed 83% water content, ash content 0.03-0.04%, protein 0.07%, fat 0.06-0.09 and the sugar content 15-16%.Key words :starfruit, input-output, characterstic, fruit juice.


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Waryat. Dkk: Analisis Input Output Dan KarakterisasiIndustri Rumah Tangga Sari Buah Belimbing.....

Prosiding Seminar Nasional Swasembada Pangan Polinela 29 April 2015

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