Preferensi Konsumen Terhadap Sweet Potato Flakes (Spf) Berbahan Baku Pasta Ubi Jalar
Tubers are source of high carbohydrate and can be used as an alternative to overcome food insecurity in Indonesia. Processed tuber products generally are not developed well yet so the products acceptance level are still low. This study was aimed to process sweet potato as alternative source of non rice carbohydrate. The research used complete randomized design with a number of panelists as replications. The treatments consisted of three (3) SPF formulas, ie the concentration ratio sweet potato pasta, tapioca and wheat flour, namely: 1) sweet potato paste : tapioca (70:30) 2) sweet potato pasta: tapioca: wheat flour (70:15 : 15), and 3) sweet potato pasta: tapioca (80:20). Treatments were done on three (3) types of sweet potatoes, they were white, red and purple sweet . Parameters of research were consumer preferences on color (brightness), flavor, crispness and crispness in milk used hedonic scale preference test with the 35 semi-trained panelists. The results showed that the level of consumer preferences were not significantly different for all quality parameters on sweet potato and red SPF and purple SPF except on white SPF. Comparison of sweet potato pasta: tapioca at 70:30 on white SPF was more preferred on crispness and crispness in milk parameters, with the level of preference were 1.5 (very crispy) and 1.0 (very crispy), respectively. Meanwhile, the highest level of preference on the color and taste of SPF obtained by formula II, respectively 1.0 (very bright) and 1.3 (very like). Keywords: Sweet Potato, Pasta, Sweet potato flakes, consumer preferencesDownloads
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