Kajian Sosial Ekonomi Masyarakat Pemanfaat Kawasan Hutan Lindung REG. 20 Kabupaten Pesawaran


  • Bina Unteawati Politeknik Negeri Lampung
  • M. Zaini Politeknik Negeri Lampung




Motivation in economical needs of the society to have some areas of land is a reason of higt forest exploitation activity. Thus, the solution of forest exploitation problem cannot be separated from fulfilling social economic needs of the society. Economical need as a major motivation of exploiter should be fulfilled through optimalization of non wood alternative income. The availibility of income sources for exploiter would stop them doing any activity in the forest. This research is conducted to study the social economic condition of the society in making use of the forest and to know their perception of important roles of forest. The society is responsible in forest rehabilitation. The results of this research about social economic condition of the society cound be used to generate solution of the forest exploitation problem, without ignoring their income sources. The research is conducted at forest area Reg. 20 with Desa Gayau as the sample, for 4 months, from August until November 2014. The result shows, almost half of the society (30%) at Reg. 20 area have not been suceeded financially. The economic condition motivate them to exploit the forest to fulfilled their economical needs. Meanwhile, good agroforesty practice is could not possible to be implemented there. The social infrastructure condition of the society at Reg. 20 area has not been encouraging the continuity of forest rehabilitation. Social organization has notbeen formed. The society is organized by village authority. The group of farmer has not been created. This condition challenges the forest rehabilitation activity of the society.Key words: forest utilizer, agroforestry, social, economy


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Bina Unteawati, Fitriani, dan M. Zaini: Kajian Sosial Ekonomi Masyarakat Pemanfaat Kawasan Hutan Lindung...

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