Kecenderungan Impor Komoditas Hortikultura dan Kebijakan Peningkatan Daya Saing di Indonesia


  • Idha Widi Arsanti Puslitbang Hortikultura



Horticultural commodity is a high-value commodity, whereas the domestic and exportmarket opportunities are very large. However, the price of horticultural commodities isvolatile. It is relate to the seasonal nature and high risk of cultivation. Several commodities such as onions and peppers suspected as a cause of inflation (BPS, 2014). The existence of price volatility affects the production of shallots and chillies, which was then at certain times cause a deficit in the country. In such conditions, the import policy is a quick solution. While other commodities, namely oranges and bananas have a relatively common problem, that imports continued to increase from year to year. The domestic production of oranges and bananas are sufficient to meet domestic demand. On the other hand Indonesia's biodiversity on both commodities is quite large. Related to the above explanation, this paper review on the price volatility of the major horticultural commodity, such as shallots, chillies, oranges and bananas. In addition, the time series analysis and forecasting of price and imports of these commodities have been done. As results, the analysis showed that in 2012-2014, there was a sharp fluctuations in prices of shallots, chillies, bananas and oranges, in which the data also showed a sizeable import value. While the value of exports is quite low. In the next years, 2015, the price will continue fluctuating and imports have increased. It is necessary for the government to have strategic policies on strengthening production of these commodities in the domestic production centres as well as establishing the distribution chain and facilities. Other policies such as management of import time and restrictions on the import ports just outside Java Island, are also in line with the free trade policies.Key words: horticulture, volatility, import


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