Pengaruh Waktu Panen Terhadap Produksi Umbi Mikro Kentang Varietas Medians
Propagation can be done with a potato plant propagation techniques quickly by means of in vivo and in vitro in the form of cuttings in the form of micro bulbs. This study aims to determine of potato micro tuber production varieties Medians at different harvest time. The study was conducted in laboratory tissue culture Vegetable Crops Research Institute from May 2014 to January 2015. Research arranged in completely randomized design consisting of two treatments, harvesting age of 8 months and 6 months were repeated 10 times and per repetition consisted of five plantlets. Parameters observed that the number of microtubers/bottle, the number of microtubers/plantlets, the total weight of microtuber/bottle, the total weight ofmicrotuber/plantlets, microtuber weight maximum and minimum, and maximum and minimum diameter of the microtuber. The results show the parameter number of microtubers/bottle, and the number of microtubers/plantlets on treatment harvest age of 8 months after planting (MAP) is 25.900 microtubers/bottle and 5.180 microtubers plantlets differ markedly higher than harvest age 6 MAP, ie 15,200 microtubers /bottles and 3.040 microtubers/plantlets, microtuber minimum weight and minimum diameter microtubers at harvest age 8 MAP treatment are 0.0037 and 0.1530 g cm differ markedly lower than harvest age 6 MAP ie 0.0082 g and 0.2040 cm and a total weight of microtubers/bottle, the total weight of microtubers /plantlets and microtuber weight and maximum diameter at harvest age 8 BST treatment ie 1.0033 g/bottle, 0.2007 g/plantlets, 0.2759 g and 0.7200 cm not significantly different than harvesting 6 MAP ie 1.1728 g/bottle, 0.2346 g/plantlets, 0.2946 g and 0.7580 cm.keywords: plantlets, potatoes, microtuberDownloads
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