Kadar Kritikal Hara Tanaman Kelapa Sawit Menghasilkan Di Lahan Pasang Surut Sumatera Selatan
A problem has been faced by tidal land is low soil pH which make availability of phosporus and potassium become low too. Those such nutrient deficiencies will greatly affect productivity of oil palm. Critical level is borderline between nutrient deficient plants with healthy plants (plants that fulfilled the needs of nutrients). It is, therefore, important to know the levels of critical nutrients palm leaves. The purpose of this study was to assess the levels of critical nutrients of produced palm oil crops in the tidal land. The experiment was conducted from February - August 2012 at tidal agroecosystem type B in oil palm smallholdings of PT. Andira Agro, Air Kumbang Padang village, Banyuasin, South Sumatra and used 10 years age of produced palm oil crops. This study was a survey and land evaluation activities. Three blocks of plantations based on yield of production, namely high, medium and low, were observed. Analysis of soil and plant samples performed two time (before and after fertilization). The result showed that the levels of phosporus, calcium, and magnesium in the all three blocks of oil palm plantations were higher than the nutrient critical level (sufficient), while potassium was lower than the critical level (insufficient).Keywords: nutrition, palm oil, sour dry land, fertilizerDownloads
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