Kebutuhan Hara Tanaman Kelapa Sawit Menghasilkan Di Lahan Kering Masam Sumatera Selatan
Fertilization is one of the most important maintenance program in the cultivation of oil palm as it has a very real role in the growth and production of palm oil. A nutrient deficiency in oil palm plantations can be filled with fertilization. The cost of fertilization for growth and production is approximately 40% - 60% of the cost of treatment, or about 20% of the total cost of production. Therefore, the management of fertilization should get the most attention. The aim of this study was to assess the nutrient requirements of producing oil palm crops in dry land sour. The experiment was conducted from February - August 2012 in Sembawa Oil Palm Research Center, South Sumatra. Producing oil palm crops at age of 20 years were used as object of research.This study was a survey and land evaluation activities. Three ,blocks of plantations based on yield of production, namely high, medium and low, wereobserved. Analysis of soil and plant samples performed two time (before and afterfertilization). The result showed that soil nutrient availability and uptake of nitrogen,phosporus, potassium, calcium and magnesium by oil palm trees on the all three blocks had the same criteria, so that the needs of single and compound fertilizer in each block is also almost the same.Keywords: nutrient, palm oil, sour dry land, fertilizerDownloads
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