Keragaan Lima Genotipe Bayam Di Berastagi
pinach is a vegetable that has many benefits for the body. This research was conducted inthe highlands, Berastagi, North Sumatra with a height of 1,300 above sea level, from Mayto July 2012. This research was designed using randomized block design with fivereplication. The treatment consists of three spinach genotypes of IVEGRI collection (LV5363, LV5353 and LV145) and two were released varieties (Giti Merah and Kusuma) as acompariso. a spacing of 20 cm x 20 cm, the size of the plot 1 mx 3 m. The purpose of theresearch is to get superior character information of spinach genotypes to be registered as acandidate varieties. The results showed there was diversity of qualitative character of thefive spinach genotypes and By 16 and By 18 had higher yield than comparable varieties ,although it was not significantly so By 16 dan By 18 can be recommended for registrationas a new variety.'Keywords: the performance, spinach, BerastagiDownloads
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