Peranan Fasilitator Kecamatan dalam Mendinamiskan Kelompok Masyarakat pada Program GSMK Kabupaten Tulang Bawang


  • Faizal Aulia Arbianto Jurusan Agribisnis Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Lampung



This research purposed to know: (1) the role of sub-district facilitator of GSMK Program in Tulang Bawang District, (2) the dynamic level of “Pokmas†of GSMK Program in Tulang Bawang District, and (3) the role of sub district facilitator on dynamizing “Pokmas†of GSMK Program in Tulang Bawang District. This research was conducted in Tulang Bawang District which conducting GSMK Program. This research used survey method with qualitative descriptive analysis. Population in this research were 15 FK and 151 “Pokmasâ€, sample taken were 10 FK and 10 “Pokmasâ€. Data analysis used Rank Spearman analysis. Result of the research showed: (1) the role of sub district facilitator of GSMK program in Tulang Bawang District was categorized on high level, (2) the dynamic level of “Pokmas†of GSMK Program in Tulang Bawang district was resulted dynamic, and (3) there is a real relation between sub district facilitator with Pokmas Dynamic of GSMK program in Tulang Bawang district, means that the better role of sub district facilitator of GSMK program would be more dynamic the “Pokmas†of GSMK program in Tulang Bawang. Keyword : GSMK Progam, Society Group, Sub-District Facilitator.


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