Pengaruh Pemupukan Fosfor dan Kalsium terhadap Serapan Hara dan Produktivitas Dua Genotipe Kedelai pada Budidaya Kering dan Budidaya Jenuh Air


  • Toyip Toyip Program Studi Agroteknologi Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Sintuwu Maroso



The objectives of this research were to study the effect rates of P and Ca fertilizers onproductivity and nutrient uptake of two soybean genotypes in dry culture and saturated soil culture, and to compare the nutrient uptake and productivity in soybean dry culture with saturated soil culture. The experimental design was split split plot with three factors i.e. phosphorus, calcium and genotype planted in dry culture and saturated soil culture. Dry culture with phosphorus fertilizer application (72 kg P2O5/ha) increases the number of filled pods and grain weight per plot. Number of pods of Tanggamus variety was greater than Anjasmoro variety. Liming had no effect on productivity. Path analysis showed that largest direct effect to grain weight were plant height and leaf weight. Increased rate of P and Ca fertilizer increased the uptake of P and Ca, but variety Tanggamus is more responsive than variety Anjasmoro. Saturated soil culture with phosphorus fertilizer (72 kg P2O5/ha) and lime (1 ton/ha) increased the number of pods content and grain weight per plot. Variety Tanggamus had higher number of pods and grain weight per plot than variety Anjasmoro. Interaction of phosphorus fertilizer 72 kg P2O5/ha with lime 1 ton/ha increased grain weight per plot. Largest direct effect on increasing grain weight is plant height and the number of branches. Phosphorus application (72 kg P2O5/ha) and liming (1 ton/ha) also give highest uptake of P and Ca. Saturated soil culture technology can be applied to increase soybean nutrient uptake and productivity than dry culture.Keyword: soybean, productivity, dry culture, saturated soil culture


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Toyip: Pengaruh Pemupukan Fosfor dan Kalsium terhadap Serapan Hara dan Produktivitas Dua Genotipe...

Prosiding Seminar Nasional Swasembada Pangan Polinela 29 April 2015 301

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