Perbandingan Hasil Produksi Beberapa Galur Tanaman Buncis Tegak (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Hasil Introduksi Dengan Varietas Balitsa 1 dan 2


  • Astiti Rahayu Balai Penelitian Tanaman Sayuran
  • U. Sumpena Balai Penelitian Tanaman Sayuran



This study aimed to compare several strains plants of upright bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)varieties Balitsa 1 and 2, which has the highest yield potential. This research was conducted at the experimental village Palasari of Subang District with a height of 500 m above sea level in the months of May to July 2013. This study used a randomized block design (RAK) non factorial repeated 4 times with six treatment, namely: Balitsa 1 (B1), Balitsa 2 (B2), Le. 01 (B3), Le. 02 (B4), Le. 44 (B5), Le. 166 (B6). The analysis showed that Le. 02 (B4) has the highest value in plant height parameter age 40 HST (61.19 cm) and the number of pods per plant (15:13 unit), while Le. 44 (B5) has the highest value on the amount of leaf crop parameters (15:15 strands) and weight of pods per plant (94.95 g).Keywords: Strains, Beans Upright, Production


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Astiti Rahayu dan U. Sumpena: Perbandingan Hasil Produksi Beberapa Galur Tanaman Buncis Tegak...

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