Efektivitas Pupuk Organik Cair Hasil Fermentasi Limbah Ikan Pada Caisim dan Selada Skala Lapangan
This research aim to study the effectivity of liquid organic fertilizer from fermented fishwaste on the growth and yield of green mustard and lettuce. The study was conducted in farmers' fields in Rawa Sari, Central of Jakarta that involved five cooperator farmers as replications. The treatments consisted of fertilization treatment that use fermented fish waste (FLI), FLI + NPK 25% dosage recommendations, FLI+NPK 50% dosagerecommendations, FLI+NPK 75% dosage recommendations and FLI+100% NPK dosage recommendation. As comparison were NPK fertilizer treatment using 100% of dosage recommendations as well as a kind of liquid organic fertilizer that has been traded on the market. Treatment plots at each farmer was arranged using a randomized complete block design. Plant height, number of leaves, and weight of plant yield were as observation variable. The results showed that the effect of fermented fish waste fertilizer on the growth and yield of green mustard and lettuce was comparable with same organic liquid fertilizer that has been traded on the market. However, the influence of FLI without NPK was significantly lower than NPK fertilizer dosage recommendation. Effectiveness FLI fertilizer combined with NPK 75% dosage recommendation (FLI+NPK 75%) both at caisim and lettuce, equivalent to NPK fertilizer treatment recommendations with RAE value reached 100% and 105% respectively.Keywords: fertilizer, fermentation, fish wasteDownloads
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