Kajian Aplikasi Pupuk Organik Limbah Cair Tapioka Pada Tanaman Jagung Terhadap Serangan Penggerek Batang Dan Penggerek Tongkol
Tapioca liquid waste can be used as organic fertilizer on crops. Until now, this has never been reported effects on plant pests, therefore, this study aims to determine the tapioca liquid waste effect on maize pest. The study was conducted in Bangun Sari Village, Negeri Katon Sub-district, Pasawaran District, Lampung from April to July 2013. This research was a randomized block design with three treatments and 10 replications. The treatmentswere (A) 200 kg Urea + 300 kg NPK + 100 kg KCl, (B) 200 kg Urea + 300 kg + 100 kg NPK + KCl + 10,000 liters of tapioca liquid waste, (C) 100 kg Urea + 150 kg NPK + 50 kg KCl + 10,000 liters of liquid waste tapioca. The parameters observed were pests that attack maize plants naturally. Data were tabulated and statistically analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and to see the differences between treatments do further study usingDuncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) at 5% level. Results of the study showed that the observed pests attacking maize crops were stem borer (Ostrinia furcanalis) and cob borer (Heliotthis armigera). The effect of application of liquid waste Tapioca on maize were ste borer attacks may decrease 49.63% - 51.68%, and cob borer attacks may decrease 16.81 % - 29.81% compared to plants that are not given tapioca liquid waste.Keywords: Maize, bio fertilizer, tapioca liquid waste, pestsDownloads
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