Penganekaragaman Pangan Olahan Jagung dan Analisis Kelayakannya Secara Ekonomi di Kecamatan Pekalongan Kabupaten Lampung Timur
Diversification of food processing corn into flour, crackers, milk, lunkhead and variouscakes made from corn aims to increase the added value of corn, to growth of household industries scale, to provide families employment in an effort to improve the welfare of the rural population and corn growers particularly. The experiment was conducted in Wonosari Village, Pekalongan Sub District, East Lampung District, from August to October 2012. The study was conducted on several types of food processed corn, preferred and is widely known by the public, namely corn chips, corn lunkhead, corn milk, corn brownies, and corn cakes. Parameter observations include: proximate analysis (moisture, ash, protein content, fat, crude fiber content, and carbohydrate), total sugar content, the analysis of consumer preferences level, and economic analysis. The results showed that: all kinds of processed food corn tested (crackers, brownies, cakes, lunkhead and milk), favored by the panelists, with general acceptance scores ranged from 3,07 to 4,07; corn refined products produced have carbohydrate, protein and high fiber, so it can be used as a source of energy, helps the growth of body cells and the digestion of food; and all kinds of processed corn deserves to be developed by the R/C ratio ranged from 1,06 to 2,48.Keywords: diversification, processed food, economic feasibility, cornDownloads
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