Teknologi Pemberian Jerami Sistem Gelebeg Meningkatkan Produktivitas Padi dan Mendukung Percepatan Swasembada Beras


  • Nana Sutrisna Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian (BPTP) Jawa Barat
  • Nandang Sunandar Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian (BPTP) Jawa Barat




Eksploitasi utilization intensively irrigated land without improvements, have resulted indegraded land. Paddy land that has been degraded organic matter content decreased to < 2%. In these conditions, the soil can not sustain optimal growth of rice, so that rice productivity can not be increased again. So far, the technology is introduced to improve the productivity of rice is more focused on the use of improved varieties, technology implementation legowo row, improving irrigation, the use of inorganic fertilizers, and pesticides to control pests or diseases. Technology associated with improved physical properties and soil fertility is rarely done, when organic matter is needed. In the program of Integrated Crop Management Field School, one of the components of the introduced technology is the use of organic materials. However, organic fertilizer granules assistance given very little amount of 500 kg/ha. Organic materials are needed to improve the already degraded land not less than 2.5 t/ha. Organic matter in large quantities, if it must be added from outside tetntu alone will burden farmers. Alternative efforts to do is make use of straw, because it is available in the paddy field. Straw utilization of technological innovation has been widely produced, but the efficient and effective for the farmer is given straw gelebeg system. The results showed that the rice straw with gelebeg system but can improve soil fertility can also increase the productivity of rice about 11,9% of an average of 6,46 t/ha. In addition, the provision of straw with gelebeg system can save farming costs around Rp.518.600/ha. Application of rice straw delivery technology with bullet gelebeg system developed in order to accelerate the achievement of self-sufficiency in rice.Keywords: technology application of straw, gelebeg system, productivity, self-sufficiency inrice


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Nana Sutrisna dan Nandang Sunandar: Teknologi Pemberian Jerami Sistem Gelebeg....

Prosiding Seminar Nasional Swasembada Pangan Polinela 29 April 2015 153

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