Pengaruh KNO3 dan Cahaya Terhadap Perkecambahan dan Pertumbuhan Kecambah Benih Padi (Oryza Sativa L.) Varietas Ciherang
This aim of this research was to determine whether the soaking of paddy seeds in KNO3 solutions and the exposure of the sunlight affect the growth of the shoot of Ciherang paddy seeds. The experiment was conducted on November to December 2014 at the Laboratory of Plant Physiology, Departement of Biology, Faculty o Mathematic and Natural Science, Lampung University. The experiment was arranged in a random factorial block design with 2x6 factorial group. The A factor was KNO3 concentration with different levels, they were 0%, 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.3%, 0.4% and 0.5%.The B factor was sunlight. Each combination of the treatment was replicated three times as groups so that it had 36 experimental units. The experiment variables were the seeds shooting percentage, root length, first leaf length, fresh weight and dry weight. The data were analyzed at the real equivalent of 5%. If the result was insignificant then would be continued by using BNT of 5% to determine the differencesamong each treatment. The result showed that KNO3 gave a nonreal effect on the germination process of the seeds, yet it gave real effect on the root length, the first leaf length amd the fresh weight of the shoots. The KNO3 0,2% concentration worked effectifely to trigger the shoot growth. Sunlight and the KNO3 interaction did not show a real effect on the germination and the shoot growth of the ciherang paddy (Oryzasativa L.) varieties ciherang.Keywords: sunlight, KNO3, paddy, germination, varieties ciherangDownloads
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