Upaya Peningkatan Hasil Padi (Oryza sativa L.) dengan Aplikasi Zeolit Menyertai Pemupukan NPK


  • Etik Puji Handayani STIPER Dharma Wacana Metro, Lampung




Zeolite application in paddy soil is very necessary to improve the productivity of paddy soil to realized food sovereignty. The purpose of this research is to study the effect of zeolite application with NPK fertilization and residual effects on growth and yield zeolite rice. This research was conducted at the Village Park Asri Purbalingga District of East Lampung District, began in October 2014 to March 2015. The experimental method is the single factor arranged in a randomized block design Complete (RAKL) with 3 replications. The treatments tested were: (A) Fertilizer NPK ponska 300 kg/ha + Urea 100 kg/ha, (B) Fertilizers NPK ponska 300 kg/ha + Urea 100 kg/ha + Urea 50 kg/ha, (C) Residual zeolite 150 kg/ha (exs sweet corn crop) + fertilizer NPK ponska 300 kg/ha + Urea 100 kg/ha, (D) residue zeolite 300 kg/ha (exs sweet corn crop) + fertilizer NPK ponska 300 kg/ha + Urea 100 kg/ha, ( E) zeolite 150 kg/ha + fertilizer NPK ponska 300 kg/ha + Urea 100 kg/ha + Urea 50 kg/ha, (F) zeolite 300 kg/ha + fertilizer NPK ponska 300 kg/ha + Urea 100 kg/ha + Urea 50 kg/ha , (G) zeolite 150 kg/ha + fertilizer NPK ponska 300 kg / ha + Urea 100 kg/ha, and (H) zeolite was 300 kg / ha + fertilizer NPK ponska 300 kg / ha + Urea 100 kg/ha. The results showed that: (1) The addition of zeolite increase growth and yield of rice in terms of the total of productive tillers, total of grains pithy, 1000 grain weight and grain yield per hectare, lowering the total of empty grains, but no effect on plant height and (2) are residual effect of zeolite, the highest value of total grain pithy and 1000 grain weight contained in theresidue zeolite 300 kg/ha treatment.Keywords: Zeolite, NPK Fertilizer , Growth and Yield of Rice


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