Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dan Pengembangan Ekonomi Agroindustri Kecil di Pedesaan Melalui Produksi Olahan Kedelai (Desa Pante Gadjah, Kecamatan Peusangan Kabupaten Bireuen - Aceh)


  • Rokhmat Hidayat Universitas Al muslim
  • Zara Yunizar Universitas Al muslim
  • Cut Mahmud Aziz Universitas Al muslim



Soybean is cultivated in the village Pante Gadjah, Sub district Peusangan District Bireuen- Aceh, so far the village community pante elephant only plant soybean, harvested and sold just after harvest. And soybean also has economical high other to improve economic conditions rural communities. One simple technology is the development of the economy by use of the agricultural of soybean be raw materials the processed products as home industries. Based on it was done provided assistance through program KKN-PPM through empowering science and technology on the preparation of the derivative product processed soybean. A method of assistance used was the practice directly in the field starting from taking process raw materials to for marketing products involving (DPL) supervising lecturer of the field - students – (KUD) village unit cooperative new work as a partner population. The results of the achievement of program activities this is 1) Community groups already knows that a variety of technologies processed; 2) an increase in community skills; 3) the presence of the production of various products sold in (KUD) village co-operatives typical Matang-Bireuen; 4) knowledge marketing strategies business for sustainability assess the potential of various market segments; 5 ) economic value is beginning to grow on already seen interest of the community and enthusiastic cultivate soybeans. Made processing the soybean be a plant in that it has value added in daily life domestic. Imparting value personality tenacity, work ethic, responsibility, independence, leadership, and entrepreneurship.Keywords :The processed products, local economic, empowerment community


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