Analisis Rugi Laba Jangka Pendek Usaha Agribisnis Perikanan Air Tawar Kolam Khusus Ikan Patin di Kabupaten Lampung Tengah


  • Sutarni Sutarni Jurusan Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Politeknik Negeri Lampung
  • Fitriani Fitriani Jurusan Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Politeknik Negeri Lampung
  • Bina Unteawati Jurusan Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Politeknik Negeri Lampung



Catfish is one of the commodities that are developed on freshwater fisheries are derived from the pool. This study aims to: (1) Analyze earnings / profits in the short term that is obtained by farmers in freshwater aquaculture pond on catfish in the district of Kota Gajah Lampung Tengah, (2) to analyze the impact of the increase in the cost of feed manufacturers to profits / gains in the period short obtained by farmers in freshwater aquaculture pond on catfish in the district of Kota Gajah Lampung Tengah. The research location is determined intentionally (purposive), with the consideration that the region has a fisheries production of freshwater pond the highest in Central Lampung regency, in this area there are farmers who cultivate freshwater fishery in the pond that many reached 414 households, and it also has a flow irrigation adequate. The number of samples taken as many as 10% of the population is as much as 41 kk fish farmers. The research data will be analyzed by descriptive qualitative and quantitative. Data will be tabulated, analyzed mathematically, and analyzed inaccordance with the purpose of research. The results showed that (1) The total cost incurred in agribusiness catfish Rp 52,883,873.08. Production obtained for an average of 808.68 m2 effective area of the pool as much as 4819.22 kg with an average selling price of Rp 14026.83 per kg. Total revenues generated in agribusiness catfish Rp 67598369.30 per production cycle. Short-term profit or per production cycle gained in agribusiness catfish Rp 14714496.22, with R / C by 1278 and B / C ratio of 0.278. BEP value agribusiness unit catfish obtained at 570.28 kg, the value of the rupiah BEP (sales) agribusiness catfish obtained Rp 7999248.59, this shows that agribusiness catfish in the area at favorable conditions. (2) The increase in the cost of feed manufacturers by 10% led to total costs increased by 14.49%, profits decreased by 50.15%, the value of R / C ratio decreased 12.24%, B / C ratio decreased 56.25%, value BEP unit and the sale of BEP (Rp) increased by 79.26%. Simulation manufacturer of rising feed prices by 10% agribusiness catfish still provide short-term profit for the business.Key Words: profit, catfish, freshwater fisheries, feed


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Sutarni, dkk : Analisis Rugi Laba Jangka Pendek Usaha Agribisnis Perikanan Air Tawar Kolam Khusus Ikan Patin…

Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pengembangan Teknologi Pertanian V Polinela 2016

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