Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Produksi Mentimun di Kabupaten Lebak Provinsi Banten


  • Viktor Siagian Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian Banten
  • Rina Sintawati Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian Banten




Lebak Regency especially Cibadak District is one of horticultural vegetables center, and and is the largest cucumber farming. The goal of this studies: 1) Knowing the pattern of vegetables farmingin Lebak Regency, 2) To analyze the factors that influence of cucumber production. Method of study with a survey method with purposive sampling from 33 respondents in the six villages in Cibadak District. Methods of analysis using descriptive tabulation analysis and multiple linier regression. The results of this study are: 1) The cropping pattern in the survey area is cucumber - cucumber – string beans –string beans or cucumbers – string beans - oyong- cucumbers. The plant width an average of 0.46 ha /house hold and productivity of 25.1 tonnes / ha. The dominant variety grown are Sabana, Bandana, Katrina and Misana while the beans are Anggun and Parade. The B / C ratio of 3.8 cucumbers, string beans of 0.65, 2) Factors that affect significantly the production of cucumber is The Width of Land Operate, The Number of Seed, The Number of NPK Fertilizer, The Amount of Manure and The Amount of Agricultural Lime. The government needs to do cultivation technology innovation especially New Superior Varieties (VUB), and capital support farmers.Keywords: factors of production, farming cucumbers, Lebak District


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