Pengujian dan Evaluasi Alat Tanam Benih Langsung Model Paddy Seeder Tipe Drum 12 Baris Sistem Ditarik Tangan untuk Lahan Sawah


  • D. A. Budiman Balai Besar Pengembangan Mekanisasi Pertanian



As population growth in Indonesia, demand for rice, growing (good for food). To meet the needs of the paddy, the Ministry of Agriculture in 2016 will increase rice production at 20.67 million tons, an increase of 8,96million tons (up 9,74 %) from the production of 72.19 million tons in 2015 to increase the area rice harvest of 860.48 thousand hectares (an increase of 6.18%). While land productivity strived rose to 7.16 quintals per hectare (up 8.36%). To achieve these targets, it is necessary to support components of appropriate technologies, efficient and productive in the cultivation of rice seeds.Cropping tools technology with Direct seeder 12 Rows Models, Drum Type and Hand Pull System is expected to accelerate the time of planting, especially applied to low land with the technical irrigation land, for the larges land and the pattern of cropping index paddy-paddy-paddy or paddy-paddy-crops. The paddy seed cropping tool operated manually. With a spacing of 14 x 18.00 cm and working speed 0,38m / sec (1.36 km / h), so the capacity of the field work for corn planting an average of 11.78 hours /ha (0.08 ha /h). The number of seeds of 4.675 grains / hole with an empty hole (missing hill) of 4.5 % and work efficiency to 84.80%.Keywords: Paddy, Direct Seeder,12 rows model, Drum type, Hand Pullsystem.


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Budiman, D.A : Pengujian Dan Evaluasi Alat Tanam Benih Langsung Model Paddy Seeder Tipe Drum …

Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pengembangan Teknologi Pertanian V Polinela 2016 307

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