Rekayasa Disain Pompa Tenaga Surya untuk Irigasi Budidaya Bawang Merah di Lahan Kering


  • Puji Widodo Balai Besar Pengembangan Mekanisasi Pertanian
  • Dedy A. Nasution Balai Besar Pengembangan Mekanisasi Pertanian



Onion cultivation depends on the presence of water in support of its growth to produc tubers at maximum. Increased productivity of onion is expected to do on dry land through a system of cultivation. Appointment of ground water to the surface to be a problem in the cultivation of onion, as well as other plants due to limited power source as well as the high cost of fuel to drive machinery used to lift groundwater in dry land, while the sun's energy in Indonesia is available for 8 hours / day for no cloudy. This energy can be harnessed into electricity through fotovoltage system that can drive the water pump (submersible). This study aims to do the engineering design of solar power for irrigation pumps onion cultivation in dry land. The research method using engineering methods that include: design, prototyping, functional testing, modifications, and test performance. The results showed that the design of the pump solar power can be used for irrigation onion cultivation in dry land with menyiraman plants 2 times a day morning and evening, spraying the plants using a sprinkler system, and a booster pump, and the pump capacity solar power an average of 0, 47 m3 / liter of water / day.Keywords: Design, Solar Pump, Shallot, Semi-Arid


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