Ekstrak Daun Gedi (Abelmoschus manihot) pada Ayam Broiler


  • Nani Irwani Jurusan Peternakan Politeknik Negeri Lampung
  • Agung Adi Candra Jurusan Peternakan Politeknik Negeri Lampung




The experiment was conducted in Cage Experiment the Department of Animal Husbandry, Federal Polytechnic Lampung. Broiler chickens used were final stock Cobb 707 CP of 100doc. Treatment to be applied in this study is the use of Gedi leaf extract in drinking water at a dose of 0.0 and 10.0%. The research was conducted to study about extract Abelmoschus manihot as an additive on broiler chickens. The data obtained during the study is then performed statistical analysis using Student's Test to see the difference between the treatment response. Broilers are getting treatments P1 (1,64 kg) a higher ration consumption when compared with the treatment of Po (1,61 kg). Body weight gain in the Po treatment (1.26 kg) was lower when compared with P1 treatment (1.34 kg). Conversion ration in the treatment of Po (1.28) higher when compared with P1 (1.23). Ration efficiency in the treatment of Po (78.69%) was lower when compared with P1 (81.93%). Based on the results of the research has been done can be concluded: Gedi leaves extract can be used as additives in broiler chickens; Gedi leaf extract in drinking water can increase the ration consumption, body weight gain and ration efficiency and reduce the conversion ration andmortality.Key words : Extract Abelmoschus manihot, antioxidant, performance broiler


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