Penentuan Parameter Desain Alat Penangkap Undur-Undur Laut di Cilacap dan Kebumen


  • Gatot Pramuhadi Departemen Teknik Mesin dan Biosistem (TMB), Fateta, IPB Kampus Darmaga, Bogor
  • Yusli Wardiatno Departemen Manajemen Sumberdaya Perairan, FPIK, IPB Kampus Darmaga, Bogo
  • Ali Mashar Departemen Manajemen Sumberdaya Perairan, FPIK, IPB Kampus Darmaga, Bogor



Sea ant-lion (“yutukâ€) in research locations (Cilacap and Kebumen beaches) were catchedby local fishermen utilized a traditional catching tool (“sorokâ€), or by their hands. Utilizing of “sorok†for “yutuk†catching was done 1 kilometer along the beach with duration of 1 hour. They obtained yield of 1 kg up to 1.5 kg. The utilizing of “sorok†was about 5 cm depth to lift up the “yutukâ€, and then it was catched by their hand and entered it into abasket net. The catching results were three species: Emerita emeritus, Hippa adactyla, and Albunea symmysta. Survey’s results showed that “yutuk†dimensions were length of (1.70- 5.00) cm and width of (1.40-3.70) cm. Digging ability to the beach sands of the “yutuk†was (1.50-5.50) cm. Power requirement for beach sands digging was determined by measured pooling force and cutting area of the beach sands. Research results showed that the amount of pooling draft was (0.05-0.28) kgf/cm2 . It can be concluded that parameters for designing of mechanical “yutuk†catcher were: (1) screen dimension for “yutuk†and sands separating is less than 1.40 cm, (2) digger depth was more than 5.50 cm, and (3) pooling draft was more than 0.28 kgf/cm2.Key words: sea ant-lion (“yutukâ€), “yutuk†dimension, digging depth, and pooling draft


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Mashar, A. and Y. Wardiatno. 2013.a. Growth aspect of the mole crab, Emerita emeritus collected from sandy

beach in Kebumen District. Jurnal Biologi Tropis 13(1): 28–38. (In bahasa Indonesia with English


Mashar, A. and Y. Wardiatno. 2013.b. Growth aspect of the mole crab, Hippa adactyla collected from sandy

beach in Kebumen District. Jurnal Biologi Tropis 13(2): 119–127. (In bahasa Indonesia with English





