Uji Toksisitas Akut Kulit Manggis (Garcinia mangostana L.) Kajian Histopatologis Hati


  • Agung Adi Candra Jurusan Peternakan Politeknik Negeri Lampung
  • Nani Irwani Jurusan Peternakan Politeknik Negeri Lampung




The purpose of research was to examine the toxicity Acute Mangosteen Skin (Garciniamangostana L.) and Histopathologic Study of Liver. Animals in this study was 2 weeks oldchickens with an average weight of 500 grams were divided into the test group; distilled water (blank), doses of 250, 500.1000, 2000.4000 mg / kg weight tubuh.ayam housed in individual cages and given food and drink adlibitum. Acute toxicity tests performed on experimental animals. Giving the toxic dose in the treatment group performed one (single dosage) by intragastric using a stomach sonde. The control group was force-fed with 1 ml physiological saline. Acute toxicity tests performed on experimental animals. Giving the toxic dose in the treatment group performed one (single dosage) by intragastric using a stomach sonde. The control group was force-fed with 1 ml physiological saline. On histopathological examination of liver in the test toksikasi mangosteen rind extract the microscopic changes that occur are cell degeneration and necrosis of hepatocytes. In the treatment group occurred degeneration that occurs in hepatocyte cell degeneration grained and hidrops. Extract of mangosteen rind has a broad safety index and does not cause high mortality in administration. Mangosteen rind extract that does not cause cellular toxicityreaction in the delivery of 100 dosesKeyword: Mangosteen Skin , Acute Toxicit, and Histopathologic


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