Profile Nutrisi Silase Daun Singkong dengan Tingkat Protein Kasar yang Berbeda pada Substrat
Making silage cassava leaves are intended to overcome the problems of scarcity of forage fodder in the dry season. The principle of making cassava leaves silage by pressing the material into a container (silo / plastic bag) to ensure as soon as possible achieve anaerob conditions. Ensilage process conducted lactic acid batteries require basic nutrients such as crude protein contained in the substrate. The study was conducted from March-August 2016 in the Laboratory of Animal Husbandry, Lampung State Polytechnic. The study aims to find out the nutritional profile of cassava leaves silage with different levels of crude protein on a substrate. The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 6 replications. The treatments are applied are different levels of crude protein in cassava leves silage substrate. The parameters observed dry matter content, crude protein, crude lipid, crude fiber, ash, and extract materials without nitrogen (BETN) cassava leves silage products. The results that the difference in the level of crude protein on a substrate silage different effects on ensilage processes which impact on the nutritional content of cassava leaves silage products.Keywords: nutiret, silage, cassava leaf meal, crude protein, substratDownloads
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