Aspek Konservasi Tanah dalam Mencegah Degradasi Lahan pada Lahan Pertanian Berlereng


  • Deddy Erfandi Balai Penelitian Tanah, Jl. Tentera Pelajar



Land degradation in tropical regions generally occur as a result of soil erosion caused by heavy rainfall. Plateau and slope regions such as West Java have the biophysical factors that are prone to soil erosion. In optimizing the application of soil conservation aspects need to pay attention to local knowledge (local knowledge). This very positive impact in increasing the productivity of plants and soil, as well as reducing the rate of soil erosion. Soil conservation aspects that need to be made the key is the percentage of vegetation density of plants in accordance with the slope of the land. This includes the provision of proper nutrition or plant nutrient and fertilization strategies. But the application, granting pembenah organic soils such as manure or compost biomass to be done in situ. In the application of soil conservation aspects necessary role of government in interpreting and understanding the prevention of land degradation on sloping agricultural land. This is to facilitate the adoption of the technology and its application in farmers' fields. Participation extension workers and farmer groups are very important in supporting the improvement of productivity of the soil and plants. Special appreciation is required as motivation the implementation of aspects of soil conservation, especially on sloping agricultural land, in order to create a sustainable environment insights.Keywords : Slopping land; Soil Conservation; land degradation


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Erfandi, D: Aspek Konservasi Tanah Dalam Mencegah Degradasi Lahan Pada Lahan Pertanian Berlereng

Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pengembangan Teknologi Pertanian V Polinela 2016

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