Pemanfaatan Night Soil dan Batuan Fosfat Alam untuk Meningkatkan Serapan P dan Pertumbuhan Tanaman Jagung


  • Badri Burhan Sekolah Tinggi Perkebunan (STIBUN) Lampung



One source of alternative P is phosphate rock. Natural phosphate rock (BFA) replacementof conventional P fertilizer that has been widely used for annual crops because it isrelatively stable and difficult to dissolve in water. One of the humus material largeenough potential is night soil. Night soil is a natural fertilizer that comes from humanwaste, either solid or liquid form. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect ofnight-soil and rock phosphate on com on the value of soil pH. soil P availability, Puptake and dry weight of maize plants. The research was conducted on the fields offarmers in Rajabasa, City of Bandar Lampung in June to October 2010. The treatments arranged in a factorial (3x5) in a randomized block design (RAK.) with three replications. The first factor is the dose of night soil, that is, without night soil (NO), 7500 kg per hectare (Nl), and 15,000 kg per hectare (N2). The second factor is the dose of natural phosphate rock: (BFA), which is without natural phosphate rock (PO), 1,500 kg per hectare BFA (PI), 3,000 kg per hectare BFA (P2), BFA 4500 kg per hectare (P3), and 6,000 kg BFA per hectare (P4). Then the data were tested with analysis of manner followed by least significant Difference test (LSD). The results of this study indicate that administration of Night Soil and BFA has a very significant effect on the availability of P is available, and so did the influence of their interactions significantly affected the P available. Level slow decomposition of natural phosphate rock into the main source of availability of P. BFA treatment had significant effect on soil pH value, but not night soil. Provision of night soil and BFA did not significantly affect plant P concentration, P  uptake and dry weight of maize plants, as weU as for the interaction of both had no significant effect. This happens because the availability of P to plants depends on  mineralization experience pengkhelatan reactions with inorganic compounds That cause P is difficult to dissolve.Keywords: night of soil, rock phosphate, available P and plant P uptake


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