Karakteristik Keragaman Morfologi dan Deskripsi Sifat Vegetatif pada Beberapa Plasma Nutfah Kapas Hasil Introduksi


  • Jakty Kusuma Jurusan Budidaya Tanaman Perkebunan, Politeknik Negeri Lampung, Indonesia
  • Adryade R. Gusta Jurusan Budidaya Tanaman Perkebunan, Politeknik Negeri Lampung, Indonesia




Utilization of germplasm in crop development is very fundamental. Currently cottongermplasm in Indonesia is very limited, given the need for national cotton raw materials can only meet about 0.5%, which have an impact on the rate of national availability of superior cotton varieties. This study aimed to characterize vegetative description of cotton plants that were introduced from Pakistan and the United States. The experiments were performed at the State Polytechnic of Lampung, Experimental Garden on morphological characters descriptively by using Cotton Descriptor of IBPGR. Characters were observed are the type of growth, plant color, hairiness, leaf shape, color petal. There are differences between the accession observed characters given species or strains used different genetic backgrounds. In general, the type of growth with compact type found in the species G. hirsutum, green leaf color with partly greenish purple. The hairiness of characters contained in the entire accession. Characteristics and description that has been observed is very important todetermine the direction of the cotton plant breeding in accordance with the needs of farmers and the industry, given that some morphological characters can be used as reference for indirect selection.Keywords: germplasm, cotton, descriptor


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Kusuma, J., dkk : Karakteristik Keragaman Morfologi dan Deskripsi Sifat Vegetatif Pada Beberapa …

Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pengembangan Teknologi Pertanian V Polinela 2016

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