Pemanfaatan Tangkai Pelepah Kelapa Sawit sebagai Bahan Baku Asap Cair untuk Penggumpalan Lateks
Rubber Farmers use a coagulant that is not recommended as alum and TSP fertilizer,causing a decrease in the quality of rubber. To improve the quality if the rubber material,the rubber farmers are required to use a coagulant suggestions such as formic acid. But thematerial is not cheap and readily available at the farm level. Liquid smoke produced frompyrolysis of various parts of plants containing phenol and acid that can be used as acoagulant latex. The use of coconut shell as the raw material liquid smoke liquid smokeaffects the production cost by 30%. It is necessary to use other materials that are cheaperand have the quality of liquid smoke is relatively the same. Palm frond stalk trimmingprocess results palm oil has been allowed to decay is not utilized. Palm frond stalk can beused as an inexpensive raw material for the manufacture of liquid smoke. In 1 ha there are6.3 million tonnes per year of palm fronds that can be used as raw material for the manufacture of liquid smoke cheap. The results showed that the liquid smoke with a dose of 4% - 12% v/v can be used as a coagulant latex with the level of quality of rubber produced can reach SIR 10. Latex coagulation process that uses liquid smoke made from coconut shell and palm shell to produce only a rubber with a lower quality of SIR 20. Smoke liquid at a dose of 4% latex cause coagulating time longer, while the use of liquid smoke up to 12% v/v can degrade the quality of rubber SIR 10. The use of liquid smoke stalk-based palm fronds with a dose of 4% -12% v/v is technically no different from the use of 0.4% formic acid in latex coagulant.Keywords: Coagulation latex, pyrolysis, liquid smoke, the quality of rubber, stalk of midrib palm oilDownloads
Edison, R dan Ridwan Baharta : Pemanfaatan Tangkai Pelepah Kelapa Sawit Sebagai Bahan Baku Asap…
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