Karakteristik Mikoriza Vesicular Arbuskular (MVA) di Lahan Olah Tanah Minimum pada Tanaman Kacang-Kacangan (Leguminosa)


  • Sismita Sari Jurusan Tanaman Perkebunan Politeknik Negeri Lampun




Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza (VAM) is one of the fungi are capable of mutualistimesymbiotically with plant roots. The existence and diversity of these fungi depends on the type of soil, the type of host plant andtype of mycorrhizal fungi. Nutrient nitrogen is a nutrient essential to stimulate overall growth, especially the trunk, branches and leaves. Indirectly fotosintat produced by the plant will be used by MVA as a nutritional source for the development of MVA in the ground. The purpose of this study (1) Obtain data on the number of MVA on minimum tillage land, and (2) Knowing the characteristics of each genus of mycorrhiza on minimum tillage land with the addition of fertilizer N.This study was conducted dilahan conservation Politeknik Negeri Lampung from January to August 2016. The method used in this study is a description method by observation techniques, the method used for the isolation of spores of strain engineering castings and followed by centrifugation. Observations were made using a microscope binoculars and digital camera, the spores are observed then grouped based on their morphological characters, identification of mycorrhizal done using a guide book "Working with mycorrhizas in Forestry and Agriculture" and reaffirmed by using INVAM website. Observations of spores of mycorrhiza in leguminous plants in the treatment without fertilizer N (N0), fertilizer N 100 kg (N1), and fertilizer N 200 kg (N2) obtained an average number of spores is highest in the treatment of tillage minimum without fertilizer N is 780 spores, and 520 spores on the ground if the minimum dose of N 100 kg, while the number of spores was lowest for the minimum tillage treatment at a dose of 200 kg ie 271 spores. Type spores were found from 4 genera dominated by genus Glomus with a variety of different types.Keywords: Vesicular arbuscular Mycorrhiza (VAM), fertilizer N, minimum tillage.


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Sari, S : Karakteristik Mikoriza Vesicular Arbuskular (MVA) Di Lahan Olah Tanah Minimum Pada Tanaman...

Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pengembangan Teknologi Pertanian V Polinela 2016

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