Pengaruh Ruang Inkubasi dan Substrat Pengujian Terhadap Viabilitas dan Vigor Benih Bawang Merah (Allium cepa var. ascalonicum)


  • N. Waluyo Balai Penelitian Tanaman Sayuran (Balitsa)
  • R. Sinaga Balai Penelitian Tanaman Sayuran (Balitsa)



The study aims to determine the interaction between the incubation chamber and substratetesting of the viability and vigor of shallot (Allium cepa Var. Ascalonicum) varieties Tuk tuk.The study was conducted in Indonesian Vegetable Researce Institute Seed TestingLaboratory in July-August 2015. The study prepared by completely randomized designfactorial design consisting of two factors and repeated four times. The first factor is theincubation chamber, composed of three (3) types: electric germinator (temperature 20 0 C in dark conditions), Copenhagen table (temperature 20 0C on light conditions), and the room (room temperature). The second factor is the substrate, there are four (4) types: coarse filter paper, fine filter paper, newsprint and paper stencils. Parameters observed that seed germination, vigor index, the speed of seed germination, seedling growth rate, length of hypocotyl and root length. The results showed no interaction between the incubation chamber and substrate testing of seed germination, vigor index, the speed of seed germination, seedling growth rate, and length of hypocotyl. Viability and vigor significantly affected by incubation chamber, where the viability and vigor centipede occurred on onion seeds were incubated in the room. Testing and substrate treatment had no significant effecton the viability and vigor.Keywords : incubation chamber, the substrate, viability, vigor, shallot seeds


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