Pengaruh Asam Askorbat terhadap Ketahanan Stress Garam Padi Sawah (Oryza Sativa L.) Varietas Ciherang
The purpose of this study was to know whether ascorbic acid can improve of Ciherangvarieties to salinity. This research was conducted in the Laboratory of Plant Physiology,Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University ofLampung in December 2014 in a 2x3 factorial experiment. Factor A is NaCl with 2 levels : 0mM and 25 mM. Factor B is ascorbic acid with 3 levels : 0% w/v, 10% w/v, and 20% w/v.Each combination of treatment was repeated 4 times. Experimental unit number was 24. The variables in this study were seedlings length, fresh weight, dry weight and total chlorophyll content. Data was analyzed using ANOVA at 5% significance level and proceed with the determination of a simple effect with the LSD test at 5% significance level. The results showed that ascorbic acid lowered seedling length, while NaCl did not affect the growth of seedlings. Ascorbic acid lowered seedling length, fresh weight, fresh weight, dry weight and total chlorophyll content Ciherang varieties seedling on saline condition. The final conclution was ascorbic acid with consentration 10% w/v and 20% w/v could not increase resistence of lowland rice Ciherang Varieties to salt stress.Key words : Lowland rice, Ciherang, Ascorbic acid, Sodium chloride, Shoot length, Fresh weight, Dry weight, Total chlorophyll content.Downloads
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