Kajian Berat Segar dan Kandungan Karbohidrat Terlarut Total pada Setiap Tingkat Kematangan Buah Pisang Kepok (Musa paradisiaca formatypica)
The objective of this the research was to determine whether there is a change of fresh weightof bananas kepok during the maturation process, and how the relationship with the totalsoluble carbohydrate content. This research has been conducted in the laboratory of PlantPhysiology, Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,University of Lampung in September 2014, using a completely randomized design with 7maturity level (level 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7) . Each treatment was repeated 5 times. Freshweight, weight fruit peel, pulp weight was determined by analytical balance. Total solublecarbohydrate content was determined by the method of phenol sulfur. Analysis of varianceand LSD test performed at 5% significance level. The results showed no changes in freshweight during the ripening process. Weight fruit peel and peel to pulp ratio decreasedduring the ripening process, while the weight of the fruit flesh increased. Total solublecarbohydrate content increased up to stage 4 and then decreased. The final conclusion isthat the weight of fresh bananas kepok is relatively constant during the maturation process,due to the weight loss and an increase in weight of the fruit peel the fruit flesh. There is nolinear relationship between fresh weight and total soluble carbohydrate content.Key words : Bananas kepok, stage of maturity, heavy fruit peel, pulp weight, total soluble carbohydrate content.Downloads
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