Kendala Dan Prospek Pengembangan Padi Gogo Di Kabupaten Aceh Timur


  • Tri Bastuti Purwantini Pusat Sosial Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Pertanian



Potential dry land in East Aceh likely to develop upland rice, so that information about opportunities for upland rice farming so that the necessary technology to support its development . This paper objectives to analyze the probability of an increase in the production of upland rice in East Aceh, constraints and problems faced, and to anticipate necessary. The results of the study showed that upland rice farming viable with R / C is 1.98 , although the low productivity due to use of local varieties but relatively high grain prices. Principal economic constraints faced by farmers in upland rice farming limitations in terms of capital, primarily to labor costs and procurement of production inputs (seed and obat-obatan/herbisida). Basic social constraints in ricetechnology adoption is still traditional, labor is limited so to still largely mutual cooperation especially for planting and harvesting, farmers' perceptions about upland rice cultivation does not need to be intensified, which led to intensive upland rice farmers. For the development of upland rice required more intensive counseling especially on good upland rice cultivation. Development of upland rice is generally on land that is not permanent, because of the potential for ample land. Need good coordination, when the devel opment programs upland rice especially with local government Keyword: upland rice, constraints, development, East Aceh


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