Optimasi Pengelolaan Pakan Untuk Meningkatkan Pertumbuhan Ikan Nila Gesit Di Bak Terpal


  • Rietje JM Bokau PS Budidaya Perikanan, Jurusan Peternakan
  • Rakhmawati Rakhmawati PS Budidaya Perikanan, Jurusan Peternakan
  • Nur Indaryanti PS Budidaya Perikanan, Jurusan Peternakan




Tilapia Genetically Supermale Indonesian (tilapia Gesit) was a kind superiormale, since 98-100 percent of the eggs they produce male sex. Today the growing business pisciculture using tub / pool tarp as cultivation containers placed in the yard. Swimming pool tarp was basically and the sides of the walls are made of tarpaulin material. In feeding the fish need to consider some important aspects namely: The use of good quality feed in accordance with the needs of the fish, determine how the minimum amount of feed given each day (Feeding Rate), determine the minimum number of times the farmed fish should be fed in a day (Feeding Frequency ), besides that determine how feeding. Furthermore the aspects related to feeding the fish have to consider some aspects of the physiological behavior of cultivation primarily eat fish (and how eating habits) and the optimal conditions of the environment. During maintenance agile tilapia fish fed artificial (pellets) with a protein content of 28%. As the treatment in this study is Feeding Rate (FR) which is 4%, 5%, and 6%, Feeding Frequency (FF) which is 3 times and 4 times per day administration, so there are 6 combinations of treatments. Feeding management practices in the maintenance of tilapia in the tub agile tarpaulin, the optimal feeding rate (FR) 5% and feeding frequency (FF) 3 times a day. Keyword: tilapia Gesit,feeding frequency, feeding rate


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Rietje JM Bokau, Rakhmawati dan Nur Indaryanti: Optimasi Pengelolaan Pakan Untuk Meningkatkan....

Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pengembangan Teknologi Pertanian Polinela 2014

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