Karakteristik Kimiawi Rumput Laut Lokal (Caulerpa sp.) Dan Potensinya Sebagai Sumber Antioksidan


  • Nuning Mahmudah Noor Jurusan Budidaya Perikanan, Politeknik Negeri Lampung
  • Juli Nursandi Jurusan Budidaya Perikanan, Politeknik Negeri Lampung




Lampung coast has an abundant aquatic flora and fauna. One of them is green seaweed Caurlerpa sp. that commonly known as seagrape. It was dispersed in Ringgung, Kelapa Rapat, and Kota Agung seashore. The people ate seagrape dairy only in fresh form as vegetable called lalapan and rujak. This research aim for identifying the chemical compound of Caulerpa sp. and screening it’s potencial antioxidant compound. The variableof reasearsh are the differences of extraction solvent (methanol, ethylacetate and hexane) and kind of sample (fresh and dried seaweed). The observation are yield, proximate characteristic, phytochemical and antioxidant analysis. Data analysed by using ANOVA with Minitab 14.0 statistical apparatus. The Caulerpa sp extract has a potential antioxidant compound that able to scavenging free radical 1,1-diphenyl-2-pycryl hydrazil picrilhidrazine (DPPH). The phytocemical analysis identified theextract of Caulerpa sp containing alkaloid, fenolic, triterpenoid, and flavonoidcompound. Keywords:green seaweed, Caulerpa sp.,antioxidant


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Nuning Mahmudah Noordan Juli Nursandi: Karakteristik Kimiawi Rumput Laut Lokal (Caulerpa sp.)...

Prosiding Seminar NasionalPengembanganTeknologiPertanianPolinela 2014

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