Sistem Usaha Ternak Domba di Desa Juhut Di Kabupaten Pandeglang Provinsi Banten


  • Viktor Siagian Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian Banten



Juhut village in the regency of Pandeglang is one of development centre of agribusiness sheep. The purpose of this study is: 1) Knowing system sheep livestock, 2) Knowing analysis of sheep livestock, 3) Knowing the income level of sheep farmer househol. Method of study used survey method with simple random sampling of 24 sheep farmer respondents. Methods of analysis using analysis of descriptive tabulation and B/C rasio. The results of this study are: 1) The dominant is sheep livestock with an average ownership of 9.2 adult sheep, lambs 3.8, and the largest species of sheep is garut. Maintenance system by group and private pinfold. The other farming pattern namely vegetable farming and yard farming with mix estate crops. 2) The value of B/C ratio of sheep livestock is 4,0 that’s mean financially profitable, 2) The income level of farmers Rp 13.354.959/year and the largest proportion of Rp 11,606,128 (86.9%) come from livestock sheep, and from estate and vegetables farming amount of Rp 1,274,625 (9.5%). It is required extension and sustainable development program so that the sheep population in Juhut Village can growing rapidly in order to be agribusiness area of sheep that sustainable. Keywords: System, livestock, sheep, Juhut village, analysis.


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