Analisis Teknis Alat Pemisah Ekstrak Buah Duku Berdasarkan Perbedaan Metode Digesting Dan Kecepatan Putaran Screw Press


  • R. Mursidi Jurusan Teknologi Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Sriwijaya Indralaya
  • Rahmad Hari Purnomo Jurusan Teknologi Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Sriwijaya Indralaya
  • Rahmad Dinata Jurusan Teknologi Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Sriwijaya Indralaya



Duku Fruit is a group of horticultural crops, which is usually eaten in a fresh condition, but it is perishable fruit and not durable to be stored . It is necessary to attempt a rescue the postharvest of duku fruit through separation technical to separate pulp extract of duku fruit. The pulp exstract can be used to make syrup. This objective of the research was to analyze technical aspects of the separation extract of pulp using screw press. Analyze technical aspects based on deviation of rotation speed and digesting method. The method digesting ( pulping ) was consists of digesting mechanism (with impeller) and without digesting mechanism, whereas rotation speed of screw press consists of 30 , 50 and 70 rpm . The separation test using 5 kgs of fruit pulp for each treatment based digest method and speed of rotation. The results showed that the digesting method was produced the average of working capacity was 0.310 kg / min , power of rotation was 0.0110 hp and yield of pulp extract was 17.22 %; while those without digesting method was produced working capacity was 0.302 kg / min , power of rotation was 0.0104 hp and yield of pulp extract was 7.65% . Technical analysis based on differences in the rotation speed of screw press used 30 rpm was resulted average of working capacity was 0.169 kg / min , power of rotation was 0.0029 hp and yield of pulp extract was 13,09 %; if the rotation speed used 50 rpm was resulted average of working capacity was 0.250 kg / min , power of rotation was 0.0095 hp and yield of pulp extract was 14.65 % , and if the rotation speed used 70 rpm resulted working capacity was 0.503 kg / min , power of rotation was 0.0197 hp and yield of pulp extract was 9.50 % . Keyword: pulp, screw press, digesting, working capacity, yield


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