Analisis Pollen Pakan Apis cerana Fabr. dan Kandungan Proteinnya Pada dua Lokasi Yang Berbeda


  • Septi Amelia Jurusan Biologi FMIPA, Universitas Lampung, Bandarlampung, Indonesia
  • Herawati Soekardi Jurusan Biologi FMIPA, Universitas Lampung, Bandarlampung, Indonesia



The study of pollen analysis as food of honey bee (Apis cerana) at two different locations was conducted from July 2013 to January 2014. The purpose of the study is to compare the types pollen and their protein content at two different locations. Sampel of pollen was collected from blooming flowers and nest boxes at Negara Ratu (the village natural in which is not enriched with food of the honey bees) and Taman Kupu-Kupu Gita Persada (the location that already enriched with food of the honey bees). Analysis of pollen using methods Acetolysis and analysis of pollen protein content using the Biuret method with T-Test (p < 0,05). The results of the analysis showed that the types of flowers pollen frequented honeybee 6 types of flowers that are frequented A. cerana at Taman Kupu-Kupu Gita Persada, they are Calliandra calothyrsus, Asystasia gangetica, Antigonon leptopus, Cocos nucifera, Allamanda cathartica, and Aegle Marmelos, while in Negara Ratu there are 10 types flowers, they are Cyperus rotundus, Tumera ulmifolia, Asystasia gangetica, Carica papaya, Cucurbita moschata, Cocos nucifera, Mimosa pudica, Eugenia malaccensis, Acacia auriculiformis, and Helianthus annus. and. Analysis of the pollen protein content in the nest boxes at both locations showed significant difference (p = 0,01). Keywords : Analysis of pollen , food, Apis cerana


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