Teknologi Zeolite untuk Pengembangan Pertanian yang Sangat Menjanjikan


  • M. Al-Jabri Departemen Pertanian Ikatan Zeolite Indonesia
  • R. Soegianto Departemen Pertanian Ikatan Zeolite Indonesia




Since the last few decades Indonesia as an agricultural country many crops imported from abroad which amount to hundreds of millions of tons each year. This is due to land degradation has occurred due to the use of chemical fertilizers since the last few decades. In addition, many farms have changed its function to the settlements and industry. If the drop in agricultural production due to damage to and one of them, then the solution using natural zeolite mineral technology. If the drop in agricultural production due to changes its function to the settlements and industry, then the solution is to revise the law over the land. The results of the study has been published that proves that the natural zeolite mineral mining materials has undoubted ability to increase in agricultural, plantation, horticulture, livestock and fisheries production. In addition, zeolite minerals are also very useful in industry for water purification and prevention of environmental damage. It is unfortunate that until now there is no single policy of the Ministry of Agriculture to revitalize the role of natural zeolite in food security and sovereignty of the nation. Finally, entrepreneur are looking for alternatives to export the mineral zeolite to Malaysia. Policy of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources issued a decision which seems to mean very good and profitable future of the nation, but Instead they cause suffering to entrepreneur zeolite. The company went bankrupt because zeolite harmed and could not be exported which have a negative impact on employee termination, bank debt and loss of confidence in markets overseas. The zeolites businessman has been increased the value added to the zeolite are exported, but the government still refused to accept the sieve of a number of businessmen because of the value of zeolite cation exchange capacity (CEC) of her less then 100 me/100 g. This is due to there is no standard analytical procedures used in several laboratories designated. Therefore, the government immediately issued a policy to optimize the utilization of zeolite for the sake of the quality of national food availability for the sovereignty of the nation. Keywords: Technology; Zeolite mineral; Agriculture


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M. Al-Jabri dan R. Soegianto: Teknologi Zeolite untuk Pengembangan Pertanian yang Sangat Menjanjikan

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