Penentu Praktik Konservasi Lahan Petani


  • Fitriani Fitriani Jurusan Ekonomi dan Bisnis Politeknik Negeri Lampung
  • Teguh Budi Trisnanto Jurusan Ekonomi dan Bisnis Politeknik Negeri Lampung



This study generally aims to find key factors that drives farmers to practice soil conservation . Specifically aims to : 1) Determine the level of knowledge of farmers about soil conservation practices. 2 ) Conduct an inventory of land conservation practices by farmers . 3 ) Determine the determinants of land conservation practices by farmers . 4 ) Knowing the obstacles farmers in land conservation practices . This study has primacy in generating information determinant of farmers' decision . The key information will be an entry point for efforts to improve the practice of intensive cultivation oriented conception of sustainable agriculture . Primary data were obtained from respondents to a questionnaire survey approach and a focus group discussion (FGD ) . The selection of respondents using the stratification position of farmers in farmer organizations by 40 people . Based on the survey results revealed that the level of farmer adoption of conservation practices are categorized into three classes , namely the adoption of conservation practices is low, the application medium, and high application . Keywords: drives farmers, practice, soil, conservation


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