Analisis Kelayakan Ekonomi Perbanyakan Benih Lada Setek Satu Ruas
Pepper is specialty commodities in Bangka Belitung. Productivity of pepper in Bangka Belitung is still low (1.08 t/ha). Innovation was needed in order to provides better seed and less pepper planting material . This study aims to 1 ). analyzed the perceptions of farmers on one nodes pepper cutting seedling; 2 ). analyzed economic feasibility of one nodes pepper cutting seedling innovation. This assessment carried out in the Batubetumpang, South Bangka, in August 2013 - January 2014. Assessment conducted involving six (6) farmers as cooperators. Farmer implemented single node cutting pepper. The data that collected were primary data and secondary data. Primary data was obtained from interviews with farmer cooperators through a questionnaire. Parameters observed were characteristics of the farmer cooperators , the condition of existing technology, perceptions of farmers on sigle nodes cutting pepper, costs and revenues by implementing the technology. Secondary data was obtained from relevant sources. Data were analyzed descriptively. Assessment of farmers perception of the nature of innovation teknologi. Economic feasibility of technology was analyzed by R/C. The analysis showed that the farmers have positive perception to the single noted cutting technology and its technology was profitable due to the value of R/C was 2.11 . Keywords: financial analysis, seed, pepper,Downloads
Irma Audiah Fachrist, Sugito dan Dede Rusmawan: Analisis Kelayakan Ekonomi Perbanyakan Benih...
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pengembangan Teknologi Pertanian Polinela 2014
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