Peranan Perbankan dalam Usaha Penguatan Modal Pembibitan Ternak Sapi Potong Skala Menengah Guna Mendukung Kecukupan Daging Nasional


  • Bambang Winarso Pusat Penelitian Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian



Availability of feeder cattle in the quality and quantity sufficient to encourage increased production and cattle population. Therefore, the availability of feeder cattle as the upstream component in animal breeding should be a priority. Failure to feeder cattle selection may impede the achievement of production targets, loss of time and expense in the cattle business that requires a long period of time. In an effort to meet the needs of the national meat consumption. On that basis, this paper aims to conduct a study and simulation of financial feasibility. The location is an area of research that has developed and undeveloped areas but prospectively both in terms of mastery of technology and the existing livestock population. East Java and Bali was chosen to represent developed areas with relatively high population. West Java and Jambi is a region which has good prospects for the cultivation of beef cattle. The results showed that cattle farming is profitable enough, it's just not supported by sufficient venture capital. Actually, the government has facilitated KUPS (Kredit Usaha Peternakan Sapi), but is still considered KUPS requirements strictly and only for breeding efforts. Such things make farmers reluctant to use. 


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