Karakteristik Tepung Daun Singkong Sebagai Bahan Pakan Unggas Pada Berbagai Ukuran Partikel
Study the effect of different particle size of cassava leaf meal on the characteristics of the physical properties, nutrients, and PDI values pelleted ration was carried out in a completely randomized design with three treatments and seven replications. Treatment applied P1 = particle size of cassava leaf meal 2 mm, P2 = particle size of cassava leaf meal 3 mm. and P3 = particle size of cassava leaf meal 5 mm. Research results obtained (1) Effect of particle size reduction of various cassava leaf meal meal was highly significant (P <0.01) in the variable physical properties and can reduce the bulky nature of cassava leaf meal. (2) Effect of particle size reduction of various cassava leaf meal was highly significan (P <0.01) on the crude protein content but not significantly different to the crude fat and crude fiber, (3) Reduction of cassava leaf meal particle size to 2 mm was highly significantly (P <0.01) to the increase in the value of the PDI. Keywords: characteristics of the physical properties, particle size, PDI pellet, cassava leaf mealDownloads
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