Hubungan Keragaman dan Kepadatan Plankton Dengan Kepadatan Larva Nyamuk Anopheles sp. Vektor Penyebab Malaria di Desa Lempasing Kecamatan Padang Cermin Kabupaten Pesawaran


  • Windi Astika Sari Jurusan Biologi FMIPA Universitas Lampung Bandar Lampung
  • Endah Setyaningrum Jurusan Biologi FMIPA Universitas Lampung Bandar Lampung
  • Sri Murwani Jurusan Biologi FMIPA Universitas Lampung Bandar Lampung



In Indonesia, malaria is a disease that is often encountered in almost all regions . Lampung Province is one of the malaria endemic areas in Indonesia. The Desa Lempasing Kecamatan Padang Cermin Kabupaten Pesawaran is an area that contained the highest malaria cases in Lampung. The larvae of the mosquito Anopheles sp. consume phytoplankton in waters habitat of larvae. The purpose of this study was to determine the types of plankton that habitat the spread of mosquito larvae and the number of population in the Desa Lempasing Kecamatan Padang Cermin Kabupaten Pesawaran regency. Research will be conducted in December 2013 to January 2014 in the Desa Lempasing Kecamatan Padang Cermin Kabupaten Pesawaran, observation and calculation of the number of mosquito larvae Anopheles sp. and identification of plankton and water quality conducted in the Laboratory of Biological Science Department of Zoology University of Lampung. This study uses a sample survey at three points with three repetitions. The results diversity of plankton with the density of Anopheles sp mosquito larvae . analyzed by linear regression and to determine the relationship of physical - chemical parameters of the plankton abundance and density of mosquito larvae used Pearson correlation SPSS for Windows 17.0. The result is a positive Pearson correlation between the density of plankton and larval mosquito density of Anopheles sp. only occurs in 2nd week.Keywords : Larvae of Anopheles sp., Diversity of plankton, Vector and Lempasing. 


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Windi Astika Sari, Endah Setyaningrum, Sri Murwani: Hubungan Keragaman Dan Kepadatan Plankton...

Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pengembangan Teknologi Pertanian Polinela 2014

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