Uji Beberapa Bahan Aktif Insektisida Untuk Mengendalikan Hama Penggerek Batang Padi Kuning (Scirpophaga Incertulas)


  • Ristia Wiji Astuti Jurusan budidaya tanaman pangan, Politeknik Negeri Lampung
  • Ni Siluh Putu Nuryanti Jurusan budidaya tanaman pangan, Politeknik Negeri Lampung




Rice stem borer is a pest that is often found in rice crops, both in the vegetative and generative phase. In Indonesia, the average attack in the last ten years reached 84 952 ha, 90 % of the population borer larvae consists of yellow rice stem borer Scirpophaga incertulas. Control of stem borer done by following the concept of integrated pest management (IPM), one of which is the implementation of insecticide. Some of the active ingredients in insecticides commonly used farming community is Chlorantraniliprole, Abamectine, Emamectine Benzoate, Spinetoram, Thiametoxam, Dimehipo. In mengendaliakan yellow rice stem borer to be seen of the active ingredient contained in insecticides and mode of action of each of the active ingredients. The active ingredient Abamectine and Spinetoram have high efficacy in controlling S.incertulas, while Chlorantraniliprole have a low level of efficacy in controlling S.incertulas. Keywords: Scirpophaga incertulas, insecticide, Active ingredients, Mode of Action.


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