Uji Daya Tumbuh Benih Padi Lewat Masa Simpan


  • Erliana Novitasari Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian (BPTP) Lampung
  • Rr. Ernawati Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian (BPTP) Lampung




The avaibility of improved and certified seed is one of the key to the success of agriculture. In previous study, high yielding varieties with fertilizer and water have a role in achieving the 75% rice productivity. However in general, farmers stated that the difficulty in obtaining certified seed is one of those obstacles in their farm. Seed Resources Management Unit (SRMU) BPTP Lampung take an important role in the dissemination of certified rice seeds in Lampung. Farmers can obtain certified seeds of high yielding rice from SRMU BPTP Lampung with any procedures. However, sometimes the seed can not be distributed and expired. The aim of this study is to determine the viability of expired rice seed. The event was held in April 2014 in the SRMU office, Natar, South Lampung. Parameters observed are the number of normal grow seeds, the percentage of abnormal grow seeds, the dead seeds and the viability of seeds. The rice seed varieties used are Inpara 2, Inpago 5 and Inpari 14 that stored in the storage with 18oC temperature and in the room without temperature setting. Observations carried out at days 7th and 14th. The results of the analysis show that the seeds stored in the conditioned space for each variety are: Inpara 2 74%, Inpago 5 72% and Inpari 14 87%. While the viability of the seeds are stored in the room without temperature setting for each variety are: Inpara 2 29,67%, Inpago 5 40,17% and Inpari 14 19%. Key words: viability, rice seeds, expired


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Erliana Novitasari dan Rr. Ernawati: Uji Daya Tumbuh Benih Padi Lewat Masa Simpan

Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pengembangan Teknologi Pertanian Polinela 2014

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